Explore Old Memories, In the New Year

Memories are one of the most valuable things we have in our lifetime because they represent the journey it took from where you started, to where you are now. While spending time with a loved one, looking back on memories together can truly uplift spirits. Anything that will take your loved one back to a happier time, is always worth it. Here are a few ideas to try that can help remind your loved ones of their happier times, during the holiday seasons.

  • Talk about traditions. Even if your loved one can’t necessarily remember everything, certain topics or words can help bring visuals. Talk about the holidays you spent together, fun things you did in the wintertime, and even bring up that gross dish a family member brought to every occasion! You never know what could spark the slightest memory.

  • Let them smell certain scents. Maybe your loved one always had a specific candle or baked certain sweets during the holidays. Bringing that scent to them could take them back to those moments cooking or sitting around a fire.

  • Bring the memories to them. This time of year is always hard for caregivers and their loved ones because it reminds them of a much simpler time. If you know your loved one always had a certain decoration or a favorite picture, bring it to them! The smallest gestures that make your loved one still feel a part of the tradition, can make the biggest difference.

So, this new year, don’t try to avoid all of the happy memories, in fear that it will make the season more emotional. Your loved one needs to hold onto as many memories and traditions as possible. Give us a call at Bluegrass Assisted Living (Elizabethtown) at 270-234-9440 or (Bardstown) at 502-349-2026, with any questions. We’d love to help!


New Year, New Opportunities


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